Lake Whitney Arts Spring Fling Vendor Fair & Makers Market
Saturday, April 23, 2022, 9am-3pm at Lake Whitney Arts,
500 S Bosque (Hwy 22), Whitney TX
BOOTH SIZE: 10x10feet
BOOTH COST: $45 after 4/2
Canopies are encouraged but not required.
Please DO NOT call the theatre. Email or Facebook message is the best way to get in touch with event organizers.
Cherry Berry Bling (PAPARAZI)
Punk Poultry Studio
Kathy's Avon Info For You (AVON)
Mrs. Moore's Handmade Quilts
Brown's Bee Removal & Apiary
K&V Creative Creations
Bows by Lucy
Asylum Crafts
Amy's Jewelry Box (PLUNDER)
My Pied Designs
Happy Accidents
Aria Marie Creations
Vicki's Nifty Nails (COLOR STREET)
Belicia's Bazaar Boutique
Aquilla Blooms
LWA Concessions
Murray Farm
Texas Angel Freshie Shack
The Women's Lounge (PURE ROMANCE)
Simply Nontoxic
John Pellham Cowboy & Country Poetry
Wilson's Woodworking Wonders
Spring Fling 2022 Terms and Conditions
1. Setup/ Break Down: All Vendors must be set up and ready to sell by 8:40am the day of Spring Fling. Vendors may begin setting up at 7:30am the day of Spring Fling. Break down can start no sooner than 3:00pm and must be completed by 3:45pm. No vendor is to close before the official closing time. Sellers are responsible for their selling spaces. *Before leaving, be sure your area is clean and trash-free.
2. Staffing: Vendor tables/ booths must be manned at all times and intact until the show closes at 3pm. Lake Whitney Arts Association is not responsible for merchandise or display materials.
3. Duplication: Only one booth per MLM company will be permitted. Lake Whitney Arts Association reserves the right to decline any application if it deems such action to be in the best interest of the event or its participants.
4. Vendor Responsibility: Vendor will be fully responsible for any loss or damage to his or her property by theft, fire or casualty. Lake Whitney Arts Association expressly disclaims any responsibility for same. Vendors shall be responsible for any damage which may be incurred to the facilities as a result of or in connection with its operation. Each vendor is responsible for the conduct of their representatives and activities must not detract from the image or welfare of the event.
5. Vendor Spaces: Vendor spaces will be assigned. Placement, flow and competition will be taken into consideration to provide the best experience for event attendees. If you have special space needs, please include your request with your application and we will make every effort to accommodate you. Spaces are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Vendors must ensure that none of their display equipment extends beyond the space they have assigned; this includes any rails, stands, tables, or additional equipment.
6. One business per booth: Only one (1) business per booth; space may not be sublet or shared without prior approval of an authorized representative of Lake Whitney Arts Association.
7. Food Items: No ready-to-eat food items will be permitted except from approved food truck vendors or LWA concessions.
8. Payment: The full payment is a non-refundable registration fee for the selected space and is due with the submission of this agreement. This fee will be used to cover advertising and other incidental costs associated with the production of this event.
9. Electricity: Electricity will be available as a first-come, first-served basis as electricity is not available in all areas. Electrical service requires an additional fee.
a. Electricity access MAY NOT be used for portable electric heaters.
b. Please bring a 30' (or longer) extension cord.
10. Music: Music will be provided throughout the space indoors.
11. Tables & Chairs: Each Vendor should furnish their own chairs, tables, and canopy. If you wish to rent chairs and tables (first come, first served), please choose those options at registration. We DO NOT provide canopies.
12. ALL BOOTHS ARE OUTDOORS. It is advised to bring along shims, or blocks of wood to level out the tables, since most of the area is on flat, but un-level ground. All tents and canopies must be secured to the ground using weights/sandbags in case of windy weather. Indoor restroom access will be available for vendors only.
13. Cancellation of space: Application fees are not refundable. Lake Whitney Arts Association is not liable if weather or other conditions prevent the vendor from attending and fulfilling the contractual obligation as a Vendor. No refunds will be made for weather, accident, health or other causes for non-participation.
14. Indemnification: Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lake Whitney Arts Association from and against any loss, expense, claims, damages, causes of action, injuries, suits or damages, suits to person or property, including attorney's fees, arising out of or related to the operation of the vendors at the Lake Whitney Arts Spring Fling.